The role of teacher in students’ life is the most crucial after parental influence. According to ancient Indian values, a teacher is considered a Guru and given a pedestal higher than God or like God. Let us understand this by translating a Sanskrit shloka to understand the deeper essence of a teacher:
“Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu Gurur Devo Maheshwaraha
Guru Saakshaat Para Brahma Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha”
The first phrase explains Guru is Brahma, Guru is Vishnu, and Guru is Shiva. The second phrase that the person reciting the verse bows down from the core of their soul. So, Guru or teacher is equivalent to Tridev as per Hindu ideology.
Irrespective of our religious presence, it is interesting to note that teaching is considered one of the noble professions. The role of a teacher in students life is the impact due to which they are characterized in this way.
When we think about a teacher's role in a student's life, we primarily consider the academic impact. However, the impact of a good teacher is not bound to academic excellence only. Here are characteristics that define a good teacher:
Teachers have to be great communicators. One might have a grasp over a subject, but they need not be able to communicate their way through imparting knowledge. Teachers must be able to simply and orate matters of their expertise to make it easy for students to learn and implement.
Good teachers give students a healthy space to voice their opinions and ask questions as and when needed. Teachers must encourage students to speak while they listen and observe what they have to say. The process builds confidence among students and creates a healthy learning environment.
Good teachers adjust and adapt to students’ mental capabilities. Their behavior reflects a feeling of care and compassion that makes students comfortable and open to discussions. Students who feel like they can confide in their teachers feel a sense of safety and security.
Having subject matter expertise is a byproduct of a teacher conducting a particular class. So, this is a trait that any teacher must possess when taking up the responsibility. Appointing the perfect person for the job depends on the institution. But a teacher has to be morally responsible for the job they have pursued to follow.
One of the significant roles of a teacher is to be patient throughout students' lives. It is a challenging part of their job, especially when they have to manage multiple students at a time. It is one of the tests teachers must go through while preparing students for their academic exams.
Let us understand how teachers shape our world:
Education is the light that gives knowledge to the otherwise dark (empty) brains. As infants move towards toddlerhood, they begin with learning numbers and alphabets. They slowly pick up language they hear around them and start reading and understanding sentences. The entire process lays the foundation of education – much of which begins from home and is carried forward by teachers.
There is a fine line between becoming knowledgeable and wise. While teachers impart knowledge, their key role is to make students wise. Knowledge comes from information and students can learn by reading books within and beyond academics. However, wisdom comes from the practical application of information that strengthens the understanding of educational concepts.
The people children idolize while growing up are the ones who shape their future. Kids have a habit of imbibing personality traits that they see as they grow up. It is also why parents are the first people children look up to and how they eventually become. While genes play an essential role that contributes to the same, the impact of teachers is different.
How teachers represent and conduct themselves affects how society treats students. These set the tone of characteristics that children learn and follow. So, teachers have to be careful about how they present themselves.
Teaching is a noble profession because they have the power to change lives. Childhood is a fragile phase of our lives. How people treat us during this time is not in our control, but the impact it leaves within us can last forever.
For example, the Hindi movie Taare Zameen Par gave an incredible example of how parents and teachers should treat children. It explored how a teacher went out of his way to understand the struggles of a dyslexic student and helped him fight his condition. Such teachers can empower and transform students' lives and leave a positive impact that they carry throughout their lives.
The world depends on teachers to shape the future, as today's children are the youth of tomorrow. They build the stepping stones to create brilliant minds who lead the future and where our society is headed. While parents are equally responsible for who children grow up to be, they only cater to this individualistically. Teachers, however, take responsibility for multiple students, and their job isn't limited to imparting knowledge.
How students learn, understand, and apply what they know are collective efforts that come into account. Relative skills like communication, problem-solving abilities, teamwork, and adaptability are several other aspects that teachers must cater to.
School is the first place where children learn about rules and regulations. They must conduct themselves in a disciplinary manner to understand the importance of time, education, and behavior. So, the role of a teacher in students life goes beyond their academic success. It also reflects how students behave both inside and outside of school.
Teachers help students learn morals and values. They help them lead their lives ethically, responsibly, and mindfully. They are inspirations that create aspiration among students to aim for the highest. Teachers help them recognize mistakes through their mischievousness and correct them as and when needed.
The concept of punishment stems from a school where students learn that negative behavior has consequences. So, teachers have to deal with sensitive situations tactfully to ensure the right message is put forth.
Children want to confide either in adults or friends about matters they cannot solve within themselves. They turn to teachers for help if they cannot communicate with their parents or friends.
Teachers must build trust to make students feel comfortable enough to open up to them. It helps teachers understand what goes through the minds of their students and for students to feel safe and comfortable. Teachers motivate and help students shed their inhibitions to be truthful and expressive.
If teachers act like confidants, they can help students deal with their emotions and resolve issues to clear their minds. A supportive teacher helps students balance their feelings and practical life.
One of the primary roles of a teacher in a student's life is to create a safe environment for students to open up. Education is not to overwhelm but to liberate. Teachers must convey the same to students by not making the process difficult. They must create a classroom culture that is inclusive and respectful. They must not be discriminative or encourage bullying, as their behavior sets the tone of the classroom. Not being biased and favoring one student over another is a practice that must be discouraged.
World-class teachers are not born but made through experiences and influences. Teachers must never forget that they are shaping our world's future and contributing to the next batch of teachers. Their behavior will impact children in shaping who they become in the future and the teachers our world possesses decades later. So, a teacher must strive for the best example, and that is their most important role.
A teacher nurtures students' minds by helping them learn what is due in their academic curriculum. They provide structures to help students follow techniques and formats that ease the process. They also encourage, support, and act as a guardian when students are under their responsibility.
A teacher who is good at what they do helps students learn concepts by spreading knowledge associated with concerned subjects. They create a healthy environment that empowers children to understand, adapt, and question as required. They engage a class by making studies interesting and inspiring students to aim for the sky.
How teachers behave leaves an impact on a child's life. Growing kids are fragile and adapt to the environment parents and schools create for them. A teacher can change a student's life by providing support that helps them grow academically and individualistically.