During each academic year, schools invite guardians for multiple parents teacher meetings. These meetings offer elders a shared space to communicate freely about behavior and performance of students. But have you ever wondered about how to prepare for a parents teacher meeting? Let us find out the dos and don'ts to make PTM experiences smooth for you.
In the educational ecosystem, parent teacher meetings contribute to the well-being and growth of students. The primary aim of these meetings is to build a solid partnership between teachers and parents.
Through the exchange of information, facilitators get a glimpse of the student’s home environment. They discover if any factors affect the child's concentration and slow them down. Teachers also ask for the parents' assistance to promote the holistic development of the child.
Parents should take PTMs seriously to provide a safe and nurturing learning ambiance to their children. With early intervention, they can solve whatever minor issues arise in the child’s personal or educational forefront.
Here are things to keep in mind when attending a parent teach meeting:
As your child spends a significant part of their day at school, their class teacher can give you valuable insights about how well they perform. A brief interaction with the class teacher will show a vivid picture of your kid's academic weaknesses and strengths. In addition to that, you’ll get to know about their behavior with friends, mentors, and in the classroom.
No matter how busy you are, spend some time looking over your kid’s classwork, reading logs, and portfolios. How do you feel they are doing academically? Is the homework given too hard for them? Does your child require help in some subjects? Going through their schoolwork will help you ask the right questions that will benefit your child.
Report card shows a clear picture about how a student is progressing academically. It records all the grades a student received during a term with numbers and alphabets to attest their credibility. Reviewing a report card helps you understand which subjects your child is good at and where they need improvement. It is better to have an idea about the grades prior to receiving the report card to know which subjects to seek guidance for.
The teacher has dedicated a 10-15 min slot for you, and there's a lot you can ask during that time. You must reach the school on time to utilize every minute. Moreover, PTM is a time when parents can be introduced to new activities, subject inclusion, and changes in the curriculum. If the school authorities asks you to report during a certain time on PTM day, they might have some important discussions to conduct for the whole school.
Whether the parents teacher meeting happens in the presence or absence of your child, staying calm and composed is key. Many times teachers discuss things for the betterment of a child but it is difficult for parents to cope or deal with. Such times, they must understand that a growing child goes through a lot of experiences that make them behave a certain way.
How should you address an issue if a teacher says something about your kid that you disagree with? Instead of defending the child, try to navigate why the teacher is expressing such a way and identify the root cause of the problem.
If something upsets you, first take some deep breaths. Next, in a respectful tone, voice your opinions. The teacher is your child's well-wisher, and you two can undoubtedly develop strategies that work best for the child.
It’s impossible to cover everything in one meeting. Also, while you are there to talk about your child, the teacher has to attend several other parents.
Naturally, you’ll get a short time, and you need to plan the discussions beforehand. Make a list of questions you’ve been waiting to ask based on their importance level. If you want an in-depth discussion, request a follow-up meeting.
Here are some familiar parents teacher meeting questions:
A parent teacher meeting is an ideal time to converse with your child’s subject teachers. Ask them to suggest short-term goals so that you can monitor their studies at home. If you have confusion regarding any instruction from the teacher, don’t feel shy to clarify. You should feel optimistic and that you and the teacher are on the same page.
As PTMs happen 3-4 times per year, it'll be nice if you can establish a way to communicate through diary notes and emails. It is only when the teacher and parent work harmoniously that the child achieves excellence.
Teachers work tirelessly to shape every child’s future. So, before leaving, you should always thank the teacher for making time for you and supporting your child. You should also fill out the parent-teacher meeting feedback form.
If your child’s school does not share a physical or digital feedback form, you can still mail them your feedback. Your remarks and suggestions will help the institution conduct PTMs smoothly and make them more effective.
Parents teacher meetings are a fundamental element of a person’s educational journey. They create opportunities for teachers and parents to collaborate and support a child’s accomplishments.
Lastly, after every meeting, you should communicate directly with your child, emphasizing the areas of improvement and the positive points. For the desired outcome, don't impose your ideas on the child. Instead, explain why they need to make specific changes to their study routine to excel.